Neura v0.1.4 | Img previews, API CORS+OPTIONS, user-icon added, generate images with user query+URL

Today we have deployed a few improvements to the API, BE and FE on Digital Ocean. Here is an outline with bullet points


  • Updated API documentation with more information regarding the interact-with-llm endpoint.

  • Consolidate API endpoints into one endpoint called "interact-with-llm".

  • Authenticate API OPTIONS requests.

  • Fixed CORS with the API.

  • Generate images with the user's query and URL with the interact-with-lllm endpoint.

  • Analyze images with any image URLs shared with the interact-with-llm endpoint.


  • Added NGINX authentication header.

  • Added NGINX OPTIONS method.

  • Image preview when the BE shares any image URL generated is back up.


  • Add a user icon to the FE and proper styles applied.

  • Applied dark and light mode styles to the FE.

  • Image preview when a user shares a URL with the BE

Last updated